News & Education
News, insights and events from the world of business and finance—plus the occasional local highlight.
Detrás de Escena: El Viaje de JR Bookkeeping a través de Eventos de la Industria y Compromiso Comunitario
Descubre cómo JR Bookkeeping se mantiene conectado con la comunidad y las últimas tendencias [...]
Behind the Scenes: JR Bookkeeping’s Journey Through Industry Events and Community Engagement
Discover how JR Bookkeeping stays connected with the community and the latest [...]
Now Offering Account Hub Appointments in Santa Barbara!
Running a small business is no small feat, and understanding your business’s finances can [...]
¡Ahora ofrecemos citas en Account Hub en Santa Bárbara!
Dirigir una pequeña empresa no es tarea fácil y comprender las finanzas de su empresa [...]
Bookkeeping for Nonprofits: Best Practices and Tips
Non-profit organizations play a crucial role in our communities, working towards various charitable and [...]
Contabilidad para organizaciones sin fines de lucro: mejores prácticas y consejos
Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro desempeñan un papel crucial en nuestras comunidades, trabajando [...]
6 Central Coast Organizations that will Help Your Small Business Succeed
"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares [...]
JR Bookkeeping and the American Dream
From a car parts salesman in Mexico City to an accounting firm in Ventura, [...]
10 Things We’ve Learned in 10 Years of Business
A Real and Raw Interview with Juliana and Natalia Ramirez April 1st, [...]
10 Cosas que hemos aprendido en 10 Años de Negocio
Una entrevista real y cruda con Juliana y Natalia Ramírez El 1 de [...]
JR Bookkeeping Celebrates 10 Years in Business
Dynamic Sisters, with a Team Behind Them, Grow Local Business to Greater Heights [...]
JR Bookkeeping Celebrando 10 años de Negocio
Hermanas dinámicas, con un equipo detrás de ellas que hacen crecer negocios locales a [...]
We’re Teaching Our Kids to be Financially Responsible Adults
A True Story about True Young Entrepreneurs A few weeks ago, we talked [...]
5 Ways to Set your Child up for Financial Success
Our children are the future. Unfortunately, many go into adulthood without a good [...]
5 formas de preparar a su hijo para el éxito financiero
Nuestros hijos son el futuro. Desafortunadamente, muchos llegan a la edad adulta sin una [...]
The Accounting Hub, Helping Optimize Small Business Bookkeeping
We have some exciting news! As you might already know, we love our Ventura [...]
5 Ways You Can Build Team Unity in your Small Business
Who doesn’t want a team that is motivated, enjoys working together, and are [...]
Cinco formas en las que puede desarrollar la unidad de equipo en su pequeña empresa
¿Quién no quiere un equipo que esté motivado, disfrute trabajando juntos y sea [...]
Las empresas pueden reclamar el 100% de las deducciones por comidas de negocios en restaurantes
Si alguna vez su empresa compra comidas para sus empleados o para otros asuntos [...]
Businesses can Claim 100% Deductions for Business Meals from Restaurants
If your business ever buys meals for your employees or for other official business, [...]